What's been puzzling me is: what are the toads doing out at night? They're cold-blooded, right? Doesn't that mean they need sunlight to survive? If that's true, how they heck can they be bopping around when it's dark?

These were all taken in the dark, with me aiming my camera at some dark spot on the ground, trying to zoom in and get the dark spot that's actually the toad, and then pressing the button so the flash goes off, and then I find out whether I got the frog in the photo or not. As you can see, sometimes the toads are still a bit far away to see much of them. They're also not that big, as you can see by the comparison with the grass and little path-side plants.
(Photo by the Apple Lady)
- First of all, I have to admit that I thought these dudes were all frogs. Nope. They're toads.
- Generally speaking, toads have bumpy skin.